The post below is from a comment on the Facebook group dedicated to the smell. -The 9/24/20 Mt. Dora City Council Meeting motion to annex the Hubbard Construction C&D (Construction & Demolition) Landfill was TABLED until October 20th, 2020 meeting. City council members intend to tour the landfill site prior to this date. The City initially noted with the annexation, they would not be responsible for jurisdiction, permitting, use, or monitoring of the landfill as they did not have the expertise or code enforcement ordinances to do so. This is a major i ssue as mitigation of smells/issues would fall solely to the Hubbard Construction and the state, FDEP. The state only inspects annually, unless called with complaints. Four different area residents spoke noting the C&D landfill, at times, creates significant smells/air quality issues and they were opposed to the annexation if the City refused to be involved with the mitigation of issues. Counsel member, C. Stiles n...