September 9, 2020 Comments re Hubbard Construction's Dump

 This post is for September 9th but is being published on September 10th due to a widespread internet outage. 

Comments 9/9/2020

  • Oh my goodness!! Thank you!! This would be amazing if it can be resolved!
  • Terry, Crissy Stile is running for state representative in our district. She has been fighting vigorously for us and has even gone to the Agriculture Commissioner. Her opponent has received the maximum donations from Shelley's Septic who we have been fighting since February 2019. Please support Crissy as she will support us
  • We had one of our landfills in Zellwood where Hubbard Construction dumped construction materials too. We would get terrible odors. The odor would wake us up around 2 in the morning and just linger all day. We suffered for years. The EPA at the time said it was the drywall. It decays and causes hydrogen sulfide gas to be emitted into the air if the landfill does not have those automatic flares that burn off the gas. The EPA representative was at my house and at the landfill checking all of the time. This gas is not good for anyone's health. These odors ruined our holidays when company would come over. The odor was absolutely sickening. Good luck but it takes a long time to get any results. Keep letting the EPA and the county officials know of the problem
  • We all breathe the same air and I'm delighted. I'm sorry to see that REDACTED was awakened by the odors but at least we know it's not just us.
  • Thank you!!


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