September 4, 2020 Odor Update and Why We Need Weather Details to Report

Good morning,

It's been a while since I've posted on here so it's time for an update. 

Orange County's odor reporting site is acting glitchy and kicking people off. It's weird, sometimes it works and sometimes not. Maria Repass of Orange County is checking into it. In the meantime, send her an e-mail at

FDEP's odor reporting site is working fine. 

All of the odors reported recently are of the "poopy" variety according to the information I have. Anuvia is still closed. I sent an e-mail to Ashley Gardner recently asking her to let us know when they plan to reopen. Anuvia has to give them a 30-day notice to allow for inspections before they reopen. 

Recent messages posted in the Facebook group include:

  • Poopy sewer smell.
  • Smelt that funk at 7:45 am, to funkin' funky.
  • Terrible Manure smell at 8am when I woke up in Stoneybrook Hills
  • I was awakened from a dead sleep this morning by a horrendous odor. I have bloodwork to be done today and must fast so my intention was to sleep in as long as possible to not feel hungry. The stench jolted me awake as I thought perhaps Winston, the cat, had pooped next to my pillow. I got up and the whole house smelled terrible. Then I went outside... It was coming in from outside...
  •  It smells nasty outside at my house too. This is a horrible way to greet the day. What the heck is being spewed into the air around here? I grow a lot of edible crops and am beginning to get concerned about how these persistent odors are impacting the food my family eats along with the air we are breathing. This is not cool or acceptable.
  • Just Reported VERY strong.
  • I know! It (the smell) just never seems to end.....😭😭😭 Guaranteed: If any of the Officials or Authorities or Persons-in-Charge at Orange County Government or FDEP lived in our area and experienced what we all do, this issue would have been eradicated -within minutes - after it the 💩 hit the airwaves!!!
  • I could smell it off Lake St where I live. Reporting now.
It's important to give the weather information if you have it. If you don't, then report anyway. I use the Wunderground app on my phone to get the data they ask for. In the beginning, it seemed like a huge hassle. Now it's pretty easy. 

There was an odor case outside of our area regarding septic-type odors and the company claimed the resident odor reports were invalid because they didn't include details on weather conditions. We don't want to give them that ammunition. 

I want to commend all of you who are reporting. I know that we get tired of dealing with this but without reports, nothing will get done. 

Until next time...


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