It's Labor Day and There's a Stink in the Air

After writing blog posts two days in a row, the last thing I want to do is to write another one. But here I am.

It's 5 am and I was just jolted awake by a foul odor coming in from the North. (Lake County) I am going to use Lake County's Code Enforcement Violation Reporting Link that I just found. Give it a try if you smell it because this odor is coming from Lake County. I suspect that it's a local construction dump that has been cited for odor violations in the past but I have no evidence to back that up. The wind is coming in from the North, Shelley's Septic Tank, Anuvia, and the Mushroom Farm are eliminated.

-Wind and gusts from the N at 5 mph
-Humidity 91 percent, temperature 77 degrees
-Pressure 29.90 and falling
-Precipitation 0.06 inches (estimate)

This is the e-mail that I sent out today. Yes, it's Labor Day and I'm writing e-mails on a holiday once again.

E-mail recipients



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