More Odor Complaints and Orange County Needs to Fix Their Reporting Site

You'd think we'd get a day of relief around here but apparently, it wasn't meant to be.  The odor of today is one of the fetid fecal variety. 

Today's complaints:

At the gas station at 441 & Sadler. Horrible sewer/poop smell. While I was pumping gas, another customer, not from this area, asked me if I could smell the smell. I briefly explained the issue. 🤮. (Smell successfully submitted to OC and FDEP reporting sites.)

-Tried to report the smell to the county, the website still not working! Sending an email to Maria Repass of Orange County EPD. []

- I had that problem yesterday.

- I wrote yesterday and will continue to write every time it doesn't work. 

It let me get all the way to the end before it dropped which was happening before and I did not realize it wasn't working

 That's exactly what it did to me.

- Horrible poop smell! We have been complaining about this since February of 2019! When are they going to do their effin jobs and end this?


- Well, that's the end of today's attempt at a long run. I can't breathe without tasting poop smell on every breath. It's terrible to live on a beautiful one-mile loop that you can't use to do what you love because the smell is so bad on weekends. Please send me the form in the comments. [Done. Ed.]

And it's only 12:39 pm.


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