The Saga of Lake Ola Part 2

Hi Redacted,

Share all of it.  It is factual backed with discovery evidence right down to the who in the influence that decided this back in 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2010.  Ten years of fight and court records speak for themselves.

The amount of dirt surrounding my case is overwhelming.  Here are the casualties as of today,

1) Bill Calie, St Johns - resigned for religious reasons in 2019
2) Ken Lewis, St Johns - resigned for no reasons other than he may not like government pensions, in 2018  These are the two ring leaders in policy that permits are never required if a county simply tells them via a rumor that all their activities are "repair and replace" as they did on the 441 project and mine...and Lake Street before that.  I have all the evidence on Lake Street against Torres and Orange County.
3) Ed Chew, Orange County Attorney, retired right after I hired Michael Kest who annihilated Chew on a previous case.
4) Chip Turner, Orange County Attorney, fired (as told by an intern at Orange County...I do not have absolute proof he was "fired" only that it was sudden)
5) Eric Netcher, Contract Attorney for Orange County - resigned right after the December 2019 trial.
6) John Conner, Contract Attorney for Orange County - paid me $20,000 to not pursue tort claims against Orange County
7) Bob Windom, Orange County Chief Planner, - resigned.  He was the point man for the attorney of influence involving the property owner that created this multi-million dollar mess.
8) Kate Groninger, FDEP - resigned after deposition that threw her agency and boss under multiple busses.  Now with St Johns.  Actually a sharp and OK person.  She was railroaded over my case by her boss.
9) Brian Mack, Orange County expert.  Destroyed in court., embarrassing to watch as his science was a fabricated lie.  But still met and lied to St Johns on February 5, 2020 over the same issues rejected by the court.
10) Maricela Torres, Orange County Chief Engineer leading this entire caper.  She signed the recent permit application full of lies she knows are lies as she was the Defense witness over the 5-day bench trial.  Never mind she cannot speak English or carry on an intelligent conversation.  Reference, her deposition and court testimony.  She is a pawn too willing to please her boss.
11) Linda Lanosa, Orange County Attorney, defense attorney that did a terrible job at trial, is directing Torres to lie to St Johns (not proven, but obvious) - ignoring court orders by directing deponents to ignore the order.  Our recent motion in Limine to stop her was granted.  She has become silent.
12) Three new County experts have been basically removed as experts by the court to testify in October.  This opens up big damages at trial in October.  That, I do get. It is just minor compared to the massive attorney fees I project are north of $2 million with another $200,000 on my side alone for Lanosa to take this through the damages trial.  All that before we even talk about fixing the problem.
13) Massive taxpayer liability for fees.  Note:  I don't get that money, the lawyers get the money but at taxpayer expense.
14) No County representation to stop this madness, just lies, and the refusal to investigate the lies.

Somebody needs to get to our elected officials as every law firm in Orlando that is not committed to Orange County (most are) wants in on these fees.  There are two law firms out of South Florida racking up fees on this.  The reason, Orange County keeps proposing theories like, "repair and replace", "the survey moved the ditch", "we only replaced a 15-inch pipe with a 15-inch pipe", "we could not issue prescription on Cooper because we could not prove 20-years of continuous use...and he would sue us", "we think there was something there", "get a sham permit so the shed has to be moved because we decided to install a pipe 10-feet closer to the house", "reclaim the 1st survey that was rejected by the court to get the pipe closer to the shed".

Every time the County comes up with a theory, I have to hire an expert to counter it.  So far, my experts have won on all counts.  Only, Lanosa has decided that the court ruling does not matter.

If she can con St Johns into issuing that permit, she actually wins on the 407-foot diversion pipe, and I then sue St. Johns and win more taxpayer expense.  By the time we can get in front of the court for Contempt, a slap on the hand is a victory for Orange County.  St. Johns then becomes the fool, but Orange County must then pay the property owner for retention on his property and an easement to the lake; the man who caused all of this, wins.  Understand, the statute of limitations has run on Orange County going back against the man that caused it.  They now have to pay him to fix what he caused.  Brilliant!

Please note, the way the law works, that property owner did nothing to me.  I do not accept what he did as right, but he did not harm me.  Any complaint against him would have been dismissed based on standing.  His property is distant to mine and the case would have been dismissed or I would have included him in the complaint.  As a community, we would have standing, but not me as an individual.

It is when Orange County allowed him to do what he did; by constructing the diversion pipe (violates every common law in the land) Orange County conducted the harm, thus I had no alternative than to file a complaint against Orange County.  Remember, they ran all his water to my backyard and introduced pollution into our lake.  They ignored my property rights for 10-years, by making another claim that "I really did not have the rights I said I had".  That cost me an expert attorney that ran the fees to $200,000 to just put that to rest.

Suing an individual has an advantage because there are punitive damages at stake.  The County is immune to punitive damages and they have used this as their shield out of sovereign immunity. 

Also note, the Orlando Sentinel was ready to run with this story (my attorneys held me back until after the ruling) until Coved-19 dominated the news cycle.  Who cares about corruption when people are dying?  We will get this story to the press in due time as part of this long process.  This is where the 2022 election is important.

No, what I say is evidentiary fact (internal documents between an attorney and the County Planner including reference to the  "Batphone" to avoid Sunshine laws; or "meet me downstairs so we can discuss") unless stated otherwise.  Good people support what I am doing and I really do not care about the bad people and what this causes them.  I have seen a government that has to be challenged or our property rights are gone and or remain a figment of the imagination.




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