Locations of Odor Complaints 3-03-2020

The Daily Sludge Report

Zero Days Without A Smell Report

Check back for updates as reports come in

It's 2:07 am on a clear and beautiful night. I took the dog out for a late walk, and there it was, waiting for me like a cat stalks a lizard... The stink.

This morning was another day of stink. My phone was blowing up and I hadn't even opened my laptop. There'll be a lot to unpack today so hold on. 

This was sent to Anuvia FB. "Hello. I live in Tangerine. March 2, 2020, and many other days in the last two years, I have taken my dogs out for a walk. As soon as we go out the door, we are hit by the strong smell of fertilizer and human waste smell. We often have to go back inside and wait until the smell goes away. Most of the time it just sits there like a heavy cloud. I am a captive in my own home, and my dogs have to suffer. This smell makes my throat burn and I start coughing. With the threat of coronavirus COVID-19 that specifically attacks the lungs, and now with 2 tentative cases in Florida, we need all the fresh clean air we can get. I understand there are multiple sources of smells in Tangerine, but fertilizer smell is fertilizer smell. If I wanted to smell it, I would go to Lowe’s and walk through the fertilizer section. I don’t want to breathe this. It is displacing the 78% Nitrogen/21% Oxygen mix we and other creatures so depend upon. Please help us."

E-mail sent to the copy and paste list. 
It is 8:25 am., 65 degrees, 81 percent humidity, wind from the south. I would like to go outside and work in my yard but the smell is pretty bad. My eyes are not burning today, thankfully, but the smell is the deterrent. Just keeping you informed. I hope you are working on a solution other than me moving.

Of course, Tuesday my only day off. I just let the dogs out and the smell is worse than ever! My lawn needs to be mowed, maybe Alex can come over and mow it for me, let him work in the stench!

Yes, It is stinky this A.M. on the Northside of Lake Ola.

6:25 am. Walking dogs. I smell the smell. Winds out of the south at 3mph. Who made this smell? I am glad I was gifted an N95 face mask a year ago. It really helps, but how long do we have to wait for a smell pollution solution?  

Dr. Phil Kane was in the area scouting smells today

Did you drive past Long & Scott farms? They may be spreading fertilizer on their crops.

As much time as I’ve spent at the farm, the stench doesn’t come from the farm. I’ve felt that it is from (smelled) Shelley’s ðŸ’©.

I agree, but we should pinpoint the source as accurately as possible. It is easy to blame the repeat offenders even on days when they aren’t the source of the smell. False accusations can be detrimental and may impact the ability to resolve odor issues.
My husband went to the coffee shop in Mount Dora for Bible study (we live near Tangerine post office) and when he got out of his parked truck he was hit by toxic smells; said his eyes were burning. The city of Mount Dora needs to be proactive fighting this air (and possibly ground) pollution.

Wear a mask!

The first time I experienced the smell, it was a month after I bought my house (4 years ago). I thought my septic system blew up and it’s gotten worse and more frequent since then. ðŸ¤¢

The Stench Prompted the Ever Resourceful Residents to go looking for the 
source and to get it on video because if it's not on video it didn't really happen.

A Tour of Jones Avenue Looking for the Source of the Smell

Smoke Spewing Business on Jones Avenue

This was posted on "A Whiff of Tangerine" on Facebook. The poster had just viewed a video of smoke coming from a business on Jones Avenue in Zellwood. "It stank up in Sullivan Ranch this morning too. I'm starting to wonder if it's the same thing."

After viewing a video of smoke coming from a business. So that’s not Shelley’s or Anuvia, right? Then what is that? Last time I went that way I wondered what they were hiding behind the high fencing walls.

Dr. Phil Kane from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection was driving through the neighborhoods this morning and today was the first time that he confirmed the odor on Lake Ola Drive. He has a regular loop that he drives checking for odors.
He says to have patience, they're working on getting the odors under control.
Remember to write e-mails to document the noxious odors in the neighborhood. I'll write one and share it as an example you can use as a springboard. You are welcome to share your e-mails as well.

I drove home at 6 pm and at the corner of Lake at and Lake Ola Drive the smell was horrendous. However at my house, 1/4 mile to the east there was no smell.



  1. I could not even enjoy an evening outside with my children due to the terrible stench. When I first noticed it over 2 years ago I thought my septic tank was leaking or something. Make this stop!! The smell will literally take your breath away!! I live in Mount Dora.

  2. I could not even enjoy an evening outside with my children due to the terrible stench. When I first noticed it over 2 years ago I thought my septic tank was leaking or something. Make this stop!! The smell will literally take your breath away!! I live in Mount Dora.


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