Anuvia Asks for Our Help

I woke up to this (see above) and more this morning. My dog loves to be outside on the porch but he refused to go outside to do his business until he absolutely had to. Think about it. It stinks to us and to a dog who smells 40 times better than we do, it must be absolutely revolting.

There was a post in the Smelly Group saying that Anuvia was running. It certainly smelled as if they were. Before I posted, I decided to confirm this with Anuvia. Their contact information is on the website.

I'd called Anuvia last week asking if they were running and left my name and phone number with the receptionist. I never got a return call. I decided to try again.  Today I was given the cell phone of the #2 guy (he asked me not to give it out, so don't ask) and he wasn't aware that we could smell anything.

He was receptive to speaking with me and told me that Anuvia is actively working to fix the smell. (As I write this, a fresh whiff of stink is coming my way) He said that they only became aware of the smell recently. He doesn't live nearby and (Oops, I just got this message " Stench at Stoneybrooke Publix too.")  isn't familiar with the streets. Apparently, none of the Anuvia brass lives near the plant or hangs out in the area, so I can see why.

Now my house smells like an old cardboard pizza box drenched in vinegar and my throat is tickling and I am thinking of a certain company with a jaundiced eye. But I must soldier on. The #2 guy says that Anuvia has been making "aggressive changes" in the last two weeks.

He says that Anuvia wants to fix the problem and yes, that's good. They want our help to identify the smells and when we can detect them. Yes, that's good. (I just texted #2 guy telling him that I have complaints from Stoneybrook and all of my neighbors.) Their priorities are safety, environment, and production in that order. The big "but" here is that we are suffering NOW. The question is why didn't they meet with us when they came here in 2016 and start working on it then?

My throat is burning from the chemicals in the air and, frankly, I'm not a happy camper right now. I will hold back, but it occurs to me that top Anuvia brass should have to live near the plant to they will know exactly what we're talking about.

Anuvia has a meeting with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection next week. And you know that FDOP is going to have this e-mail from us well before then. (Like in 10 minutes)

So, please folks, get those e-mails out and if you're so inclined, give Anuvia a call. (352-720-7070)

If you need assistance with the e-mail list, please reach out to us on Facebook. 



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