Via Maria Repass of Orange County's Environmental Protection Department Orange County Government is responding to complaints concerning objectionable odors in the Zellwood, Mt. Dora, and Tangerine areas and providing updates as new information becomes available. Working together on this complex issue, Orange County and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) are streamlining complaint processes, investigating odor concerns, providing compliance assistance to potential source facilities, and pursuing enforcement actions for violations of regulations and permit requirements. Latest actions and information • Residents continue to use Orange County’s online reporting form to submit odor complaints. Between August 24 and October 1, 2020, the County received 40 complaints concerning objectionable odors. Anuvia Florida LLC: Anuvia, FDEP, and the Orange County Environmental Protection Division (EPD) executed (signed) a Consent Order (CO) on July 21, 2020. The Order a...